Sparky's a Maine coon and when the temps soar into the 80s or higher, Sparky will use anything to stay cool –including the kitchen sink. Confides Sparky, "What could be better than curling up with a good book, even if it means doing it while hugging porcelain. And indoors or out, in or out of the sink, the best book for any season is still STARDUST DADS...."
In addition to ordering from the publisher, iUniverse, other online sites include amazon.com, barnes&noble.com and booksamillion.com, to name just a few. Additionally, you can go to any bookstore and if they don't have it in stock, give them the title and ISBN number (978-0-595-51236-2 for paperback; 978-0-595-50459-6 for hardcover) and they'll order it for you and notify you when it arrives, which will save you shipping costs. A digitally formatted version of STARDUST DADS is also now available as an app for all electronic devices including Nook, Kindle, iPad, etc.
For autographed copies, please e-mail us at davidjo444@att.net.